
data science
Solution to Garbled Double-Byte Fonts in Mac Matplotlib-Generated PDFs

Double-byte fonts like Japanese and Chines ones are garbled in Mac matplotlib-generated PDFs when viewed in Adobe Acrobat. This article provides a solution.

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data science
You Need to Replace Miniforge Version of Miniconda to Get Latest one

My Mac's Miniconda was old (version 4.11.0). There seemed to be a much newer version 22.11.1 available, but when I typed 'conda update -n base conda' in the terminal as instructed, the update didn't take effect (see the output below). It also looked like various issues had accumulated. Upon recollection, I installed Miniconda with Miniforge when the official Conda version for Apple Silicon was still unavailable. Conda is an open-source package management and environment management system for installing multiple versions of software packages and their dependencies and switching easily between them. It is commonly used for data science, scientific computing, and machine learning. Miniconda is a minimal distribution of Conda. […]

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data science
How to set up Jupyter on Visual Studio Code - A comprehensive guide with sample projects

Learn how to set up Jupyter on Visual Studio Code with this comprehensive guide. Discover the benefits of using Jupyter in Visual Studio Code, and follow step-by-step instructions to get started. Try sample projects to familiarize yourself with the tools and optimize your data science and development workflow.

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data science
Double-byte Fonts Garbled in Mac matplotlib-Generated PDFs

In Mac matplotlib-generated PDFs, double-byte characters are unreadable in Adobe Acrobat Reader while they look fine in

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Variables exported from Mac's to XMP

There is an option to "Export IPTXC as XMP" when you export photos from Mac's by selecting File>Export>Export Unmodified Original... Variables in XMP is useful for arranging photos. but what are they? I have tinkered with variables on Photos and by using exiftool to map them onto those in XMP files. Here is the correspondence table. Information edited on Photos is prioritized over EXIF metadata. XMP EXIF dc:title Title Title photoshop:DateCreated Date and time Date/Time Original exif:GPSTimeStamp - Date/Time Original dc:description Caption Image Description rdf:li Keyword, People ? exif:GPSLongitudeexif:GPSLongitudeRefexif:GPSLatitudeexif:GPSLatitudeRef Location GPS information

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